This is our blog, where guests with expertise in all and any sectors, and of all political affiliations and none, contribute fresh thinking, debate, challenge, and policy proposals. These articles do not represent the view of Reform Scotland. If you would like to contribute to our blog, please email [email protected].
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We need to make Fatal Accident Inquiries far more effective
Gillian MawdsleyWhere Have All the Children Gone?
Kenneth FergusonTaxing times for the UK Oil and Gas Industry
Stuart PatonCross party solution needed to fix Higher Education funding problems
Elizabeth Smith MSPReforming Scotland’s Justice System
Hamish RobertsonSocial Bridging Finance
Kenneth FergusonThe future of the UK’s oil and gas industry
Gabriel MynheerNet Zero – Moving the Target
Stuart PatonDo we care enough about PISA decline?
Gordon Hector