Scotland’s independent think tank
Scotland’s independent think tank

Enabling is key to strengthening our society – Fiona Duncan

This is the latest in a series of individual contributions to the publication, ‘Reforming Scotland’, which aims to set out a possible vision for Scotland’s future which can inform and influence the policy debate in the coming years. The contributions are by people from a range of different backgrounds and political perspectives who have looked at how policy could be reformed across a range of different areas and they represent the views of the authors and not those of Reform Scotland.

Fiona Duncan’s chapter considers where Scotland’s third sector comes from and what it looks like today and, as a result, what role it can play in strengthening our society.  Fiona suggests that “By becoming enablers, the third sector could play a key role in strengthening our society for good, supporting citizens to find – and act on – solutions to intractable issues of poverty, unfairness and inequality.


Fiona Duncan Reforming Scotland