Scotland’s independent think tank
Scotland’s independent think tank

School Reform – A discussion with Professor Ken Muir and Dr Keir Bloomer

Event Date:

Reform Scotland hosted an online discussion with Professor Ken Muir about his recent report for the Scottish Government, Putting Learners at the Centre: Towards a Future Vision for Scottish Education.   

The much anticipated report set out plans to replace the SQA; create a new national agency with oversight of curriculum, assessment, learning and teaching to replace Education Scotland; and re-establish an independent inspection body.

Professor Muir notes of his report, “my recommendations place children, young people and those teachers and practitioners who support their learning more firmly at the heart of the education system. Unashamedly, they place them and their interests ahead of those organisations that make up the educational infrastructure

But how will these changes deliver where previous attempts have failed? What is different this time and how can we ensure that learners really are at the centre of Scottish education?

These issues and more were examined in discussion between Professor Muir and Dr Keir Bloomer, chair of the Commission on School Reform.

The event was held  via Zoom on Thursday 5 May. Watch it below: