Scotland’s independent think tank
Scotland’s independent think tank

Lawrence Freedman in conversation with Chris Deerin

Event Date:

THE WORLD AT RISK IN 2022 – A conversation with Sir Lawrence Freedman

Reform Scotland was delighted to host our first event of 2022 – a conversation with the UK’s most distinguished global strategist Sir Lawrence Freedman.

Sir Lawrence discussed the threats posed to global stability by China and Russia, the post-Brexit role of the UK in international relations and how power shifts might affect the future of our strategic alliances and military posture.

Sir Lawrence Freedman is Emeritus Professor of War Studies at King’s College London and has been described as “the dean of British strategic studies”. He was a member of the Iraq Inquiry and is a Visiting Professor at Oxford University’s Blavatnik School of Government. He was the official historian of the Falklands campaign and provided much of the intellectual underpinning for Tony Blair’s famous “Chicago Doctrine” speech in 1999.  Among other books, he is author of the celebrated Strategy: A History (2013) and the Ladybird Guide to Nuclear Deterrence (2018).

This event was hosted by Chris Deerin with an audience  over Zoom on Tuesday 18 January. Watch the event below: